Sunday, February 2, 2014

All Over The Map...

What's New at Evil Tammy's Blog?

Hello, peeps!  Long time no see!  I apologize.  I've had all kinds of troubles...beginning with this freakin' blog itself!  As I'm sure you have noticed, the template I'm using is quite different.  I was updating almost 2 weeks ago now, and lost ALL of my updates.  Needless to say, I was NOT a happy girl!  After struggling to "fix it", I gave in and started over with a new template.  Hopefully, this will be the one and ONLY time I have to do that!  Grrrr!  

I have a few more menu items now; one being "New Releases and Coming Soon".  That page is going to be where I post all New Releases and Pre-Order links.  So please check it out when you are here.  I'm "working" on loading series reading order lists, favorite quotes, and book boyfriends.  I hope to have a GIVEAWAY soon!

Please bear with me as I stumble my way through creating a great blog.  Because that IS what I'm going to end up with!  *no matter the blood, sweat and tears that I shed*  LOL

NOW...I'm going to completely switch gears.

If you know the "real" name of an author, please keep it to yourself.  There are numerous reasons that authors choose to use pen names.  If you happen to "find out" the real name of an author, or if you "find out" that someone you know or that lives in your town, etc., is an author and what their "pen name" is, PLEASE KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

Yes, I'm writing about this because this happened to a very good friend of mine that is an author.  I'm not going into detail about it, it's not my story to tell.  Just please, respect the rights of any author that prefers to write under a pen name.  

OK...stepping off of my soap box.

Please continue being patient with me.  I promise I'm going to get this blog how I want it so that I can attract more peeps to "pimp" my favorite authors/books to!  I would appreciate y'all sharing my blog and my Face Book Evil Tammy Page as much as you can!  :)

Welp...I'm calling it a night!  Have been working off and on all day with this "evil blog."  Y'all have a great night!






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